problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby Guest

Hi, I just downloaded and paid for Virtual Audio Streaming. At first it seemed to work for me, but then it developed problems.

Problem #1: The sound when using the VAS Driver as output is very low and
I cannot seem to increase it to an acceptable level.

Problem #2: When the VAS application is running, and I try to output sound through the
driver, the sound starts loudly echoing. (see attached). When I quit the application, the
echoing goes away.

I am running on an Asus laptop model A52F running Windows 7 - 64 bit.
(234.61 KiB) Downloaded 2890 times

Re: problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby admin

Problem #1:

You need to increase the volume of your Physical sound card. To do it on Windows 7:
1) Click the volume icon on your systray.
2) There should be two mixer sliders, adjust both to maximum value.
(If you only see one mixer, set VAS as system default playback device and then click the volume icon again)

Problem #2:

I think you did not configure VAS correctly. Please check:

1) Set VAS as default playback device.
2) Important: Select correct physical sound card on 'output audio to real sound card' page:
3) Click stop button on the microphone page:

Let me know if you need more assistant.

Re: problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby Guest

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. You mention below that I probably did not configure VAS correctly.... Is there somewhere I should look for
configuration instructions? I must have really messed things up trying to fix this because all my sound does now is "buzz". I cannot seem to play any correct
sounds through my pc sound card or the VAS device. All I get is the "buzzing" sound.

Re: problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby admin

The help page is:

If you still have problem, please switch VAS to 'real microphone input' panel & 'output audio to real sound card' panel, then capture a screenshot (like the attachment) and send it to me to check.
VACMainScreenTHP.jpg (224.52 KiB) Viewed 17637 times

Re: problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby Guest

Thanks again for responding quickly and for your help!

It appears to be working for the moment - but I thought that several times and I messed it up. I'll keep using it and see how things go. How to restore settings to defaults?

I also notice some crackling and dropouts in some case.

Re: problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby admin

If VAS settings and drives are broken, please try uninstall -> restart windows -> reinstall VAS.

As to the audio crackling, it means you set a small buffer on an old computer so that your CPU can not pass through the audio data in time.

Try increasing the buffers size (on output audio to real sound card panel) to 8192 or even bigger. Use 44.1k sample rate and 16 bits per sample. 48K and 24bits cause more audio data to copy. Then, set VAS as default playback device and use windows media player to play a song to test.

If the above still does not work, you can exit VAS application, configure VAS virtual pin using Windows7 built-in streaming. See the attached screenshot:
listen-to-virtualaudiostreaming.PNG (88.11 KiB) Viewed 17637 times

Re: problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby Guest

I have uninstalled & reinstalled this before and it did not help. This time after uninstalling, I went into the registry and found that there were registry settings for VAS under Local Machine/Software and also Current Settings. I removed those, rebooted and reinstalled.

I also could not set the buffer size above 4096 (see attached snapshot).
Virtual-audio-streaming-screenshot.png (105.78 KiB) Viewed 17641 times

Re: problems with Virtual Audio Streaming

Postby admin

The registry values remember the parameters such as the buferr size, sample rate, etc.. So, yes, you can manually remove them for a clean install/uninstall.

To set buffer size above 4096, you can type any number(8192, 10000, etc.) in the editbox instead of selecting them from the drop list.

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