Questions regarding Audio streaming product

Questions regarding Audio streaming product

Postby Guest

I'm considering purchasing your product but i'm wondering if the product has/will have these following features:

a) scheduled start/stop recording option
b) automatically break the recorded files into timed interverals (ie a new file is created every 30 minutes)
c) listening in to the audio stream in real time even as it is being recorded

Re: Questions regarding Audio streaming product

Postby admin

scheduled start/stop recording option:

Actually, our solution is better than the normal scheduling recoding by time. You can click the start recording button at any time and VAS (VirtualAudioStreaming) will only start recording when your computer really starts playing sounds.

Anyway, we may consider adding the traditional time scheduling recoding in the future release.

automatically break the recorded files into timed intervals (i.e. a new file is created every 30 minutes)

VAS automatically splits the recorded files intelligently. For example, you click start recording, wait 1 minutes, then play a song, wait 1 minutes, play another song. The result is you will get two wav files for the two songs, no beginning and ending silence in them. What's circumstance you need to split files every 30 minutes? If it is a must-have feature, we may consider adding it.

listening in to the audio stream in real time even as it is being recorded:

Yes. Of course, you can. See our VAS online help or search posts here, you will easily find how to configure this.
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Re: Questions regarding Audio streaming product

Postby Guest

Maybe I'm not using this product correctly.

I actually run a small shop (2 other employees). Usually i'm in the back making sure the person there is doing everything correctly but at times I want to make sure the cashier in the front is saying the right things to potential customers.

I would like the option to listen in real time if I see a conversation going on from the live security feed but i would also like to review audio files (if necessary) as I review security logs as well.
Giving them better feedback would hopefully get my sales up.

I don't need anything fancy (or pricey)
From your perspective, would your product serve this purpose?
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Re: Questions regarding Audio streaming product

Postby admin

I think VAS works for your purpose. The below a) b) are not required because:

a) scheduled start/stop recording option
Keep VAS in start recording status. VAS will only be activated when sounds are coming.

b) automatically break the recorded files into timed intervals (ie a new file is created every 30 minutes)
VAS automatically break files according to Scenarios.

Just turn on the recording of VAS, VAS will record all the sounds from your live security feed. If nobody talks, no data are recorded. VAS also automatically removes silence between talks. So don't worry it will take too many disk space. Let me give an example:

You click start recording, wait 1 minutes, then play a song, wait 1 minutes, play another song. The result is you will get two wav files for the two songs, no beginning and ending silence in them.
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Re: Questions regarding Audio streaming product

Postby Guest

The issue with that is we have music playing in the shop so I foresee it constantly recording because of it.

Also I'll probably put in a mic right by the counter so I can better pick up the dialogue.
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:30 am

Re: Questions regarding Audio streaming product

Postby admin

The VAS software can not distinguish music or talking, if your shop continue playing music, yes, it will record all of them.

Considering your special usage, we think we will add the a) b) options in the future release.
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:08 am

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