ASIO and Audio​mulch

ASIO and Audio​mulch

Postby Guest

Can this software be used as the “Default” sound device, and have the ability for Audiomulch (with ASIO support)

pick up the audio stream from it, manipulate it and output to my physical soundcards?
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Re: ASIO and Audio​mulch

Postby admin

Our VAS(VirtualAudioStreaming) can be set and used as the 'default' sound device. VAS is a virtual sound card and all audio applications can read its audio stream via its virtual microphone Pin. VAS can also capture all 'what u hear' audio and output to your physical sound cards.

VAS is WDM based and supports wavmix, Directsound, DirectKS, CoreAudio, KS/Kernel Streaming etc. I think you may use 'asio4all' to manipulate VAS via ASIO.
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Re: ASIO and Audio​mulch

Postby Guest

This is for a CarPC setup...and it’s rather elaborate.

I’m running 2X Asus Xonar sound cards, for 16 channels output, running thru AudioMulch using ASIO4All.

I am currently using Virtual Audio Cable as my default sound device. So my media player outputs to VAC,

AudioMulch picks up this stream as an input, does it’s processing (active crossover, delay, etc), then it outputs the stream to my Xonar’s...

Was working excellent before, but with VAC, I'm getting serious popping/crackling/dropouts now, and I'm not sure why.

It’s an AMD 2.2Ghz dual core PC, optimized Win7...

This popping/crackling is going to destroy my speakers...

I’m wondering if your software would solve my issue (hoping!)
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Re: ASIO and Audio​mulch

Postby Guest

Also, does your product support volume control?

And what ‘noise’ exactly am I suppose to hear with the trial version? How do I know I wont have issues like VAC with this noise going on?
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Re: ASIO and Audio​mulch

Postby admin

If VAC worked for you previously, you can also try our VAS. Our VAS has similar and more features than VAC.

Our VAS has more downloads than other software in its niche:
VAS listed top1 popular downloads on CNet

Trial version inserts 'trial' (a woman's voice) every few minutes. This additional 'trial' may also cause audio delay if you use VAS trial version for a long time.

Of course, when you register Virtual Audio Streaming, this noise and latency will be removed.

Currently, you can adjust volume using audio icon in system tray. See attached screenshot.
adjust-volume.jpg (18.51 KiB) Viewed 11665 times

I think you can download and try the trial version firstly. After confirming there are no popping/crackling/dropouts when using ASIO on your computer, you can buy it to remove the 'tiral' voice and the possible audio delay.
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Re: ASIO and Audio​mulch

Postby Guest

Just downloaded and tried you VAS. Its performance seems to be much better than VAC, popping/crackling/dropouts is reduced a lot. AudioMulch and ASIO4All also works perfect. Thank you for solving my problem.
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:30 am

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