Record my favorite college radio station show

Record my favorite college radio station show

Postby Guest

Hello and thank you!

I can now record my favorite college radio station show (internet only)! It’s on every Saturday morning from 6-9am and I’m not dedicated to get up at 6am to listen live. Your program saved me from buying a $200 sound card that is suppose to have the “stereo mix” feature.

My only problem now, is that I cannot seem to find a way to listen AS I’m recording. Neither the speakers nor the headphones work. Is there a fix for this?

Thanks regardless!!
Posts: 65
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:30 am

Re: Record my favorite college radio station show

Postby admin


Of course you can hear while you are recording.

Please check:
1) See:

You need choose your physical sound card in the box.

2) Take the below screenshot for a reference on how to configure correctly.
correct configuration of VAS
VACMainScreenTHP.jpg (224.52 KiB) Viewed 49170 times

3) Also see this topic:
Site Admin
Posts: 68
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:08 am

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