same file keeps being used

same file keeps being used

Postby Guest

I'm using virtual audio streaming. For some reason the program is now using the same file for all captures, and I can't get it to stop. Even if I rename the file ( with VAS turned off ), then delete the file, then empty the recycle bin, when I turn VAS back on it somehow continues to save in that same file, so that the file keeps getting bigger and bigger and contains all captures. Is this a known bug? Is there something I can do to stop it? This is happening on a windows 7 pc. This problem was not happening before; VAS had been saving to separate files, but recently it changed to this buggy behavior. Thanks.

Re: same file keeps being used

Postby admin

We have not received similar report before. Did you try uninstall -> reinstall -> reactivation? I hope these steps can bring VAS to the initial status to fix the problem.

If works correctly, VAS should save recorded sounds with filename of 'date'.'time'.wav

Also, is this issue related to special audio player? Try different audio players to see if the issue is reproducible. Some audio players continue writing silence data even if there is no songs playing.

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