Stream to squeezebox or mythtv frontend

Stream to squeezebox or mythtv frontend

Postby Guest

I'm building a workstation without sound ( local ) but have speakers at station for other system tied in to squeezebox.

Searching for virtual cards and yours was at Top of list of Virtual Audio Cable/streaming - but not sure what I need for streaming or on other end ( triple use of my amp / speakers ).

Question : Will your VAC send all computer audio output ( normal for PC ) over my network to either/or my MythTV front end as live stream to to my squeezebox or equivalent?

Re: Stream to squeezebox or mythtv frontend

Postby admin

Our software is virtual sound card which letting you stream all 'what you hear' sounds to network. As long as your application such as mythtv or squeezebox can read in microphone,it can stream our VAC.

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