stream all the audio from one pc, to another pc

stream all the audio from one pc, to another pc

Postby Guest

I would like to stream all the audio from one pc, to another pc. Can I do that with your software?

Re: stream all the audio from one pc, to another pc

Postby admin

You need both the free and open sourced software and our Virtual Audio Streaming tool.

Re: stream all the audio from one pc, to another pc

Postby Guest

Thank you for the reply I appreciate it. Yes, I would like some help setting up the Virtual Audio Streaming tool with icecast.

To give you a more detail of what I wanna do. I want to use my laptop to watch movies, play music, do voip calls, surf youtube, use VirtualDJ etc.
At the same time, I want my laptop to stream all the audio that normally is coming out of its soundcard, to another pc in my house within the same LAN.

One question. Is there a lag with this setup you are proposing?

Re: stream all the audio from one pc, to another pc

Postby admin

There is no delay for Virtual Audio Streaming transferring. Our VAS is used for streaming all what you hear sounds. From your description, this is the exactly what you need.

There are a lot of audio streaming server on Internet. Besides icecast, you can also try adobe flash media server, or VLC.

All the audio servers can only stream pre-configured audio files or microphones. Our VAS adds the support for streaming all live 'what you hear' feature to this servers:
1) Install VAS and set VAS as the default sound card.
2) Select VAS virtual microphone pin in those audio streaming server.
3) Then you can use the audio client players on the remote computer to listen to the sounds.

Trial version of VAS(VirtualAudioStreaming) may have lag in streaming, you can buy a license to remove it.

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