multiple instances of virtual audio streaming?

multiple instances of virtual audio streaming?

Postby Guest

I am a paid user of virtual audio streaming and I am interested in using virtual audio streaming with multiple instances. I noticed in your tutorial for setting this up that to get each instance to have a new name I should contact you. I'll be using it to transfer individual channels in one DAW's mixer to another DAW's mixer so I suppose a good number would be 10.

Just wondering if by chance I can get a hold of that cmd file.

Re: multiple instances of virtual audio streaming?

Postby admin

Which Windows version you are using? 64bit or 32bit?

If 32bit Windows, it is easy and you can do it yourself. Edit vasdevice.inf with notepad, search string 'Virtual Audio Streaming (WDM/DRM)', then change it to the name you like.

If 64bit Windows, we will send new cmd files to you. Also see: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=213&p=592&hilit=multiple#p592

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