Loop when using vas+edcast+shoutcast+virtual machine

Loop when using vas+edcast+shoutcast+virtual machine

Postby Guest

I want to play audio and send it to edcast for streaming with shoutcast.

The problem is the sound keeps repeating over and over.

I don't want it to loop.

How can I make it just play from a windows program and not loop /repeat?
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Re: Loop when using vas+edcast+shoutcast+virtual machine

Postby admin

I believe there must be something wrong in your configuration. You should not hear repeating.

Virtual Audio Streaming should work in virtual server environment, it has been tested.

Please check:

You need choose your physical sound card in the box. Also uncheck the 'show virtual sound card' checkbox.
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Re: Loop when using vas+edcast+shoutcast+virtual machine

Postby Guest

We finally fixed it about an hour after we emailed you.

Turns out that the send audio to real sound card needed to be unchecked.

This is a windows virtual server 2003 in the virtual world and the system doesn't have a sound card.

The default for you guys is to have that checked.

But, when there are no other sound cards it was sending the audio to itself.

You should check for this and uncheck it if the virtual audio streaming device is the only sound card in the system.
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:30 am

Re: Loop when using vas+edcast+shoutcast+virtual machine

Postby admin

Thanks for the suggestion.
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