Sample code to use virtual microphone

Sample code to use virtual microphone

Postby Guest

Could I use Virtual Audio Streaming as virtual microphone? I need open a existing file and read audio data from that file and then feed the data into microphone instead using physical microphone.
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Re: Sample code to use virtual microphone

Postby admin

Yes. Of course you can use VAS as virtual microphone and send audio file data to it. Something like MP3 to Microphone. Our VAS is designed for this.

Use any audio player to play audio to VAS or use any audio programming interface (WavXXX, Core audio, Directshow) to play audio data to VAS, then you can read the same audio data from VAS virtual microphone pin at the same time.

If you would like to redistribute our VAS driver with your own application, you should buy a SDK from us.
virtual sound card SDK

Let me know if you need more assistant.
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:08 am

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