I want to use virtual audio driver for free

I want to use virtual audio driver for free

Postby Guest

I would like to learn if we just want to use virtual audio driver, is this driver free or not.Thanks.

Note: We can install this driver without installing the software if it is free.

Re: I want to use virtual audio driver for free

Postby admin

If you want to integrate our virtual audio driver in your own application, you need to our VAS Virtual Sound Card SDK.

What's your website? What's the software you want to integrate our VAD driver?

In general, our driver is not free, we sell binary SDK if other developers want to use our driver.


Re: I want to use virtual audio driver for free

Postby Guest

I just want to use this driver to record sound which my computer plays personally. Not for commercial thing, web site or software anything like that etc.
I want to learn if this using type is free or not.

Re: I want to use virtual audio driver for free

Postby admin

If you only use it personally on your home computer and need not to redistribute our VAD driver, you don't need Virtual Sound Card SDK.

You can buy standard licenses from our site:

You can choose standard license or family license, depending on the computers you have.

Our VAS application has the ability to record all the sounds with one click.

You can also get a Free license from us by introducing our Virtual Audio Streaming. See:


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